Leigh Brown

I have been drawing for as long as I can remember, and it still gives me a thrill.
I try to keep the handrawn line available in the finished digital work.
I have worked for established publishers, such as educational publisher John Wiley and Sons.
And quite a few Independent  and Self Publishers.
As well as various Web and Multimedia companies.
The variety of this type of work is what keeps me engaged.
Bringing to life characters and stories that are presented to me is challenging as well as greatly rewarding.
Exploring the seemingly endless potential of illustrating with the ipad pro is also taking up most of the rest of my waking hours. ​
​Naturally I am working towards authoring and illustrating my own stories in the future.


Leigh BrownLeigh BrownLeigh BrownLeigh BrownLeigh BrownLeigh BrownLeigh BrownLeigh BrownLeigh BrownLeigh BrownLeigh BrownLeigh Brown